Well, folks, as 2015 draws to a close, I wanted to take a moment and look back at some of my favorite posts and series from the year. It’s a bit GURPS-centric — you know me — but I think there’s a lot in there of interest to non-GURPSers as well. Poke around and enjoy!
I’d love to hear your thoughts, either in the comments below or elsewhere.
- The “New to GURPS” series seeks to welcome newcomers to GURPS 4th Edition and ease them into it step-by-step, with simple explanations and examples that build week after week. Starts with the eight posts of “New to GURPS – Welcome” (restricts itself to GURPS Lite only) and continues with eight more posts in “New to GURPS – Intermediate” (expands to the full Basic Set).
- “Quick-Start Character Creation” is a way of putting together rules-legal GURPS characters in a fraction of the time of the usual full character creation. Particularly handy for convention games and one-shots.
- “Race for the Dutchman” is an Old West one-shot adventure, the first of a series of Quick-Play Adventures that provides five pre-generated PCs (using the above creation method), enemy NPCs, local areas of interest, numerous encounters and obstacles to be overcome, and notes for the GM on running. There will definitely be more of these in 2016!
- “Locus” is a setting I have been brain-percolating for many years, and have finally decided to set down in print. It is a pan-dimensional city, a true “kitchen sink” setting where absolutely anything goes. So far there have been only a couple of posts, but this is another project that should keep popping up in 2016.
- The “GURPS and Fate” series is technically cheating, since two of the three posts were published at the end of 2014, but I love to remind people of how easily GURPS can be informed by a Fate sensibility, so I’m including it anyway.
Some posts with a slightly wider appeal outside of GURPS include…
- The “Adventure Creation” series looks at the game prep for two separate convention one-shot games (one based on the Grimjack comic books, one based on The Warriors gang movie) in exacting detail, from start to finish. These were created as GURPS games, but the concepts are universal.
- Some of the most popular posts of 2015 were my in-depth looks at my GM gear: “My GM Kit,” “My Dice,” and “My GURPS GM Screen.”
And, finally, a huge thank you for the support of my Patreons! The Patreon campaign has only been going about 10 weeks, but we’re up to 17 supporters and well on our way to the second milestone goal. You all have really kept me revved up this past year and excited to keep writing more and more. I really can’t thank you enough.
2015 was a great year for Game Geekery, and 2016 is looking to be even better. Thanks for reading, and thanks for all your comments and suggestions. The best is yet to come!
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