GURPS for One-Shots, Upcoming

I’ve been noodling over the “GURPS for One-Shots” I’m putting together (mentioned here), and thought I’d post what I’m hoping to include. The goal is to pull together ideas from all the below posts to synthesize for myself a baseline, super-simple version of GURPS — from very brief character creation to running and ending the game — that I can use for convention games moving forward.

Let me know if you have any favorites I missed or suggestions for things to cover!


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    • Ooh, those are interesting! Thanks for the heads up, it’s a good format for improv adventures (though I still plan to do more Quick-Play Adventures in the future, which are longer).

  1. This is what I need GURPS to be. Simple, playable, flexible. It’s though getting players onboard (and committing as a GM) when there are so many rules bits to sort through before having a playable instance of GURPS. Having all of GURPS to draw on is a tremendous boon for a long campaign, but it’s also time-consuming if you’re looking for a quick intro or just a one-time thing.

    I’ll be watching this series closely!

  2. I’ve used all sorts of sources for my convention games – which are one shots. I have tried to keep the characters as simple as possible. Last year I started highlighting traits.

3 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. GURPSDay! Aug 23 to Sept 12, 2019 - Gaming Ballistic
  2. GURPSDay! Sept 5 to Sept 27, 2019 - Gaming Ballistic
  3. Overview of 2019 – Game Geekery

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