Darknet 01: Game One
April 17, 2018 Geekery

Last weekend we kicked off the first game of the Darknet cyberpunk adventure — it’s even international! As always, the video is available at the Happy Jacks channels on YouTube and Twitch (I also extracted just the unedited audio if you prefer MP3).

Tyler was unable to make it, but he was kind enough to entrust his character’s life or death to me so I could nefariously dangle it in front of the other PCs as bait. Like the Dude, the classics endure.

For this, our initial outing and intro to the world and its characters, we followed the party trying to figure out A) what happened to their crewmate Dr. Discord, and B) what the deal is with their new mysterious employer(s).

In addition to watching/listening to the game, here is the Initial PCs and Handout PDF — character sheets for each of the six PCs (three real-world, human characters and three virtual reality avatars), some GURPS-specific rules summaries, and setting details (Darknet v. 1.3).

I hope you enjoy the game as it unfolds, and look forward to hearing what you think!

At the moment I’m re-watching the video through myself and taking notes as I go, so hopefully I’ll have a more “behind-the-scenes” post soon. Thanks for checking it out!


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