Creating a Cynosure Romp – Part 2
This is Part 2 of my dissection of game prep for a recent GURPS convention adventure — if you need to catch up, Part 1 is here. When last we left my brain, I had 8 pre-gen characters in very rough form. […]
This is Part 2 of my dissection of game prep for a recent GURPS convention adventure — if you need to catch up, Part 1 is here. When last we left my brain, I had 8 pre-gen characters in very rough form. […]
Probably the most common question any GM is asked, behind “Do you do it for the money, the prestige, or the groupies?”, is “How do you create your adventures?” In these posts I’ll be dissecting a recent convention game I […]
A friend of mine drew this for me in high school: The other two are pretty self-explanatory, but the “flaming haycarts”?
This is the second part of my OrcCon 2013 recap, covering the games I enjoyed and ran on Sunday and Monday. Part one is here, covering Friday and Saturday. The first two days of the convention were totally fun, but […]
It seems I completely skipped posting about any of the conventions in 2012! Once the dust has settled maybe I’ll see if I still have my notes and rectify that. I was recently lucky enough to attend the OrcCon 2013 […]
Part two of my ramblings, review, and summary of the recent Gateway 2011 gaming convention (part one is here). Got a solid 6 hours of sleep, quick shower, bananas and an apple for breakfast, boogied on down to my first […]
Can’t believe it’s already been 3 months since the last game convention! Last weekend I was lucky enough to attend the Strategicon Gateway 2011 convention here in LA. Just like Gamex in June, I had an awesome time – probably even […]
My writing project has finally been completed (and on deadline!), so I have time to write up an overview of the recent Gamex game convention. As a warning – it’s long. I haven’t been to a gaming convention in probably […]
Nearly 2 years ago, I emailed a query to my favorite game publisher about a possible PDF book. I was 90% sure I would get back a polite form letter thanking me for my interest and sending me on my […]
Been back for a couple days now. The convention was a ton of fun! I’d like to put together a decent “After Con Report” in the next few weeks, but this week I’m scrambling to meet a June 6th deadline […]
This weekend I’m taking a mini-vacation to hug my inner geek at Gamex 2011, a gaming convention here in LA. Oddly enough, while the economy Travelodge down the street offers free Wi-Fi, the Sheraton where the convention actually is does […]
Seems like one of the few things that ever gets me to post is the death of someone I admired. Today’s turn of the wheel is Frank Frazetta, who, from early reports, appears to have passed away this morning at […]
So Gary Gygax died yesterday, at the age of 69. I know that for very many of you reading this, your first thought is ‘Oh that’s too bad – who is Gary Gygax?’ He was the co-creator of the role-playing […]
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