Darknet 00: Character Creation, Part Two

March 25, 2018 Mook 2

Hey there, GURPS Cyberpunk fans, I hope you enjoyed the blog bounty from GURPSDay! The first PC for the “Darknet” game saw a lot of progress this week, and helped finalize some of the details of how we’re going to handle […]

Darknet 00: Character Creation

March 16, 2018 Mook 7

Happy GURPSDay, folks! Last weekend we had the “session zero” of our new GURPS Cyberpunk game, “Darknet,” and the video is now up at the Happy Jacks channel on YouTube or Twitch. We went over a bit of GURPS mechanics, but […]

New Monthly GURPS Game: Darknet

March 9, 2018 Mook 6

Howdy Folks! As I’ve mentioned a couple times before, I’m GMing a new monthly GURPS Cyberpunk game over the meeting app Zoom… and it starts tomorrow! I’m still throwing a few things together for the first game, but I wanted […]