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Close Combat





Sniper Rifle, .338/Normal Clothing VS.
Unarmed/Tactical Vest w/ Trauma Plates

Ranged Combat - Example Two (discussion) (PDF)

Arthur Green

ST: 10 HP: 10 Size Modifier: 0
DX: 14 Will: 10 Encumbrance: 0 (21.5 lbs.)
IQ: 10 Per: 10 Basic Speed: 6
HT: 10 FP: 10 Basic Move: 6
Thrust: 1d-2 Swing: 1d
Dodge: 9 Parry: - Block: -

Armor: Normal Clothing* (DR 0 arms, legs, torso, groin, 2 lbs.), Shoes* (DR 1 feet, 2 lbs.) [* flexible]
Sniper Rifle, .338: 9d+1 pi; Acc: 6+3; Range: 1500/5500; RoF: 1; Shots: 4+1(3); ST: 11B; Bulk: -6; Rcl: 4 (17.5 lbs.)

Skills: Guns (Rifle) - 22 (DX+8)

Zach Red

ST: 10 HP: 10 Size Modifier: 0
DX: 10 Will: 10 Encumbrance: 0 (20 lbs.)
IQ: 12 Per: 10 Basic Speed: 5
HT: 10 FP: 10 Basic Move: 5
Thrust: 1d-2 Swing: 1d
Dodge: 8 Parry: - Block: -

Armor: Tactical Vest w/ Trauma Plates (DR 35/28 torso, DR 12/5* groin, 18 lbs.), Normal Clothing* (DR 0 arms, legs, torso, groin, 2 lbs.), Shoes* (DR 1 feet, 2 lbs.) [* flexible]


In this example, Arthur Green has been hired to assassinate Zach Red, a paranoid criminal boss. Because of Zach's security precautions, Arthur decides his best chance of success is to lay in wait 500 yards from Zach's front door and try to shoot him as he walks to his car (which takes 4 seconds).

As Zach will be unaware of the attack, he'll have no chance to take action until after the first shot. Arthur lays prone with his weapon Ready, and begins Aiming as soon as Zach leaves his house.

Arthur Green HP: 10
Maneuver: Aim (Zach)

The weapon's Accuracy is "6+3", meaning the weapon itself has an Accuracy of "6", and the scope gives an additional "+3" after aiming for an equal number of turns (B412).

This turn of Aim gives a total bonus of +6 (for the weapon itself, no scope bonus yet).

Arthur Green HP: 10
Maneuver: Aim (Zach)

This turn of Aim gives an additional bonus of +1 for continued Aiming.

Arthur Green HP: 10
Maneuver: Aim (Zach)

This turn of Aim gives an additional bonus of +1 for continued Aiming and +3 for the scope.

Arthur Green HP: 10
Maneuver: All-Out Attack (Determined), Hit Location: Skull (Zach)

Arthur rolls 3d6 against his effective Guns (Rifle) skill of 14 (+1 for All-Out Attack (Determined), +1 for bracing, +9 for Accuracy (weapon and scope of "6+3" combined), +2 for Aiming (3 seconds), -7 for Hit Location: Skull, -14 for 500 yards range) and gets 12 - a hit (as Zach gets no defense).

Arthur rolls 9d+1 for damage and gets a total of 32.

Zach Red HP: -110, Shock: -4
32 points of piercing basic damage to the Skull - 2 DR leaves 30 points of penetrating damage. 30 points x the 4 wounding modifier for Hit Location: Skull = 120 points of damage. Zach's HP are reduced to -110 (and he has a shock penalty of -4).

This amount of damage negates the need for any further rolls - Zach is well below -5 x HP, the threshold of automatic death, and is even beyond -10 x HP, "total bodily destruction" (B419).

What part of Ph'nglui mglw'nath Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn don't you understand?
-- Old Scratch