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Close Combat





Thrusting Broadsword/Leather Armor VS.
Mace/Leather Armor

Melee Combat - Example Two (discussion) (PDF)

Differences from the Full Options Example:

  • No Flexible Armor and Blunt Trauma (B379).
  • No Hit Locations - all hits are to the torso (B398).
  • No Movement Points (B387).
  • No Crippling or Knockdown and Stunning (B420) in Turn Three.
  • No check for Fatigue Loss (B426) after the battle.
  • No Bleeding (B420) after the battle.

Arthur Green

ST: 12 HP: 12 Size Modifier: 0
DX: 10 Will: 10 Encumbrance: 0 (22 lbs.)
IQ: 10 Per: 10 Basic Speed: 5.5
HT: 12 FP: 12 Basic Move: 5
Thrust: 1d-1 Swing: 1d+2
Dodge: 8 Parry: 10 Block: -

Armor: Leather Armor (DR 2 torso, groin, 10 lbs.), Heavy Leather Sleeves (DR 2 arms, 2 lbs.), Heavy Leather Leggings (DR 2 legs, 4 lbs.), Boots (DR 2 feet, 3 lbs.)
Thrusting Broadsword: 1d+3 cut/1d+1 imp; Reach: 1; Parry: 0, ST: 10 (3 lbs.)

Skills: Broadsword - 14 (DX+4)

Zach Red

ST: 12 HP: 12 Size Modifier: 0
DX: 12 Will: 10 Encumbrance: 0 (24 lbs.)
IQ: 10 Per: 10 Basic Speed: 5.5
HT: 10 FP: 10 Basic Move: 5
Thrust: 1d-1 Swing: 1d+2
Dodge: 8 Parry: 11 Block: -

Armor: Leather Armor (DR 2 torso, groin, 10 lbs.), Heavy Leather Sleeves (DR 2 arms, 2 lbs.), Heavy Leather Leggings (DR 2 legs, 4 lbs.), Boots (DR 2 feet, 3 lbs.)
Mace: 2d+1 cr. (converted from 1d+5 cr., B269); Reach: 1; Parry: 0U, ST: 12 (5 lbs.)

Skills: Axe/Mace - 16 (DX+4)

This example is a little more involved than Example One, but still fairly basic - the skills and armor/weapons are a bit improved, and a few additional options are used.

The opponents again face one another in a gladiatorial arena, though this time they are 2 yards apart to begin.

The characters' Basic Speeds are tied, so the higher DX goes first (Zach).

Zach Red HP: 12
Maneuver: Ready (mace)

Arthur Green HP: 12
Maneuver: Ready (broadsword)

Zach Red HP: 12
Maneuver: Wait, Attack ("I will attack with my mace the first enemy to step into range.")
Arthur Green HP: 12
Maneuver: All-Out Attack (Determined) (cut, Zach)

Moves forward 2 hexes, turn is immediately interrupted by Zach's "Wait (Attack)" maneuver.

Zach Red HP: 12

Rolls 3d6 against his Axe/Mace skill of 16 and gets 15 - a hit (Arthur is unable to defend, as he is doing an All-Out Attack).

Not using Hit Locations, so all attacks default to the Torso (B369). Zach rolls 2d+1 for damage and gets a total of 7.

Arthur Green HP: 7, Shock: -4
7 points of crushing basic damage to the Torso - 2 DR leaves 5 points of penetrating damage. Arthur's HP are reduced to 7 and he has a shock penalty of -4. He now finishes his interrupted All-Out Attack (Determined).

Arthur Green HP: 7, Shock: -4
Maneuver: All-Out Attack (Determined) (cut, Zach)

Arthur rolls 3d6 against his effective Broadsword skill of 14 (-4 for Shock, +4 for All-Out Attack (Determined)) and gets 9 - a possible hit.

Zach Red HP: 12
Rolls 3d6 against his Dodge of 8 and gets 12 - he fails to Dodge.
Arthur Green HP: 7, Shock: -4
Rolls 1d+3 for damage and gets a total of 6.
Zach Red HP: 6, Shock: -4
6 points of cutting basic damage to the Torso - 2 DR leaves 4 points of penetrating damage. 4 points x the 1.5 wounding modifier for cutting damage = 6 points of damage. Zach's HP are reduced to 6 and he has a shock penalty of -4.

Zach Red HP: 6, Shock: -4
Maneuver: Attack (Arthur)

Rolls 3d6 against his effective Axe/Mace skill of 12 (-4 for Shock) and gets 13 - a miss.

Arthur Green HP: 7
Maneuver: All-Out Attack (Determined) (cut, Zach)

Rolls 3d6 against his effective Broadsword skill of 18 (+4 for All-Out Attack (Determined)) and gets 11 - a possible hit.

Zach Red HP: 6, Shock: -4
Rolls 3d6 against his Dodge of 8 and gets 10 - he fails to Dodge.
Arthur Green HP: 7
Rolls 1d+3 for damage and gets a total of 5.
Zach Red HP: 2, Shock: -4
5 points of cutting basic damage to the Torso - 2 DR leaves 3 points of penetrating damage. 3 points x the 1.5 wounding modifier for cutting damage = 4.5, rounded down to 4. Zach's HP are reduced to 2 and he again has a shock penalty of -4.

As he now has less than 1/3 his HP, his Move and Dodge are also halved.

Zach Red HP: 2, Shock: -4
Maneuver: Attack (Arthur)

Rolls 3d6 against his effective Axe/Mace skill of 12 (-4 for Shock) and gets 15 - a miss.

Arthur Green HP: 7
Maneuver: All-Out Attack (Double) (cut, Zach)

Rolls 3d6 twice against his Broadsword skill of 14 and gets 13 and 10 - two possible hits.

Zach Red HP: 2, Shock: -4
Rolls 3d6 twice against his effective Dodge of 4 (1/2 Dodge for having fewer than 1/3 HP) and gets 7 and 11 - he fails to Dodge both times.
Arthur Green HP: 7
Rolls 1d+3 twice for damage and gets totals of 7 and 5.
Zach Red HP: -9, Shock: -4
7 points of cutting basic damage to the Torso - 2 DR leaves 5 points of penetrating damage. 5 points x the 1.5 wounding modifier for cutting damage = 7.5, rounded down to 7 points of damage. Zach's HP are reduced to -5 and he has a shock penalty of -4.

5 points of cutting basic damage to the Torso - 2 DR leaves 3 points of penetrating damage. 3 points x the 1.5 wounding modifier for cutting damage = 4.5, rounded down to 4 points of damage. Zach's HP are further reduced to -9.


Zach Red HP: -9, Shock: -4
Maneuver: n/a

As he is below 0 HP, Zach rolls 3d6 against his HT of 10 to avoid falling unconscious and fails with a 12 - he immediately collapses into unconsciousness.

At this point 'combat time' has ended, as Zach is unable to defend himself - Zach can roll against his HT in one hour to see if he awakens (B423).

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
-- Dwight D. Eisenhower