After many many moons, I have finally changed the Map Cycle on our “Soldier of Fortune 2” server, The Kill-a-Rama (IP The new cycle is:

1 Raven Offices DM normal
2 Finca Housewarming DM LowGrav, MM1 & RPG7
3 Prague Streets DM normal
4 Cobble (CUSTOM) CTF normal
5 Shop Under Siege DM normal
6 Jordan Market Siege DM normal
7 Airport Warehouse DM normal
8 Italy (CUSTOM) CTF normal
9 Return to Raven (CUSTOM) DM LowGrav, MM1 & RPG7
10 Hong Kong Streets DM normal
11 Hospital DM normal
12 Alcatraz (CUSTOM) CTF normal
13 Shop Invasion DM normal
14 Falcon (CUSTOM) DM normal
15 Prague Street Siege DM normal
16 Sonora (CUSTOM) CTF normal

16 Maps Total
10 Stock Maps and 6 Custom Maps
12 DM Maps and 4 CTF Maps

I ran through the cycle a couple times and everything seems okay, but please send an email if you notice any problems or have any suggestions for improvement.

If you need the custom maps, you can download them individually…

Return to Raven

Once you have the six .PK3 files (those are the maps), just put them in the “BASE” folder underneath the folder where your Soldier of Fortune 2 is installed (for example, “C:\Games\SoF2\base”, something like that).


Forum Discussion